Wednesday SKIN Lesson of the Day – Miami Edition.
What’s more important to a facelift surgeon than a facelift ???? THE SKIN. And not just the skin – EVERYTHING UNDER IT. If your skin doesn’t look healthy, radiant and bright, then what good have I done you with a facelift. The priority in facial aging rejuvenation should always be the skin. Make friends with a good dermatologist and invite them to all your Xmas parties.
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____________ABOUT DR. BEN TALEI______________________
A native of California, Dr. Benjamin Talei graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a degree in Physiological Sciences. He received his medical degree at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Dr. Talei then went on to complete his residency training in Head and Neck Surgery at Columbia University and Cornell University Medical Centers, New York Presbyterian Hospital. Following his residency program, Dr. Talei became one of the only surgeons in the country to complete two separate fellowships in Facial & Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery including a fellowship at the Vascular Birthmark Institute of New York. In addition, Dr. Talei is a respected author, speaker and humanitarian.
Contact the office to see us as a patient. Info down below and in the bio
310 288-0641
Affiliated with Beverly Hills Hair Group & Aura Spa Healing Center
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic Surgey
465 N Roxbury Dr, #750 Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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Beverly Hills Center for Plastic Surgery: Dr. Ben Talei
465 N Roxbury Dr, #750
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 288-0641