Barbie Mum Spends $150K On Plastic Surgery | HOOKED ON THE LOOK admin, January 31, 2024 SUBSCRIBE to Truly: A MUM has spent $150,000 on nine major plastic surgeries and 500 procedures to transform her body – and she’s “nowhere near finished”. Elaina Starr is not your “average soccer mum”. She admits that her schedule “revolves around everything beauty”, and plans to keep going with her extreme body transformation, despite suffering health complications. The 32-year-old from Queens, New York has explained what got her hooked. “The very first cosmetic surgery was a nose job. I woke up and there was instant gratification, I realised that I can transform into whatever I wanted.” Now she has regular Botox and silicone injected into her face. Her more extreme surgeries have included three Brazilian butt lifts, two tummy tucks and a corseting procedure. Her plastic obsession has even caused her major health issues. “I’ve passed out and almost bled to death in an ER, I have an open wound on my back from when my butt implants went in that didn’t close.” She is determined to continue getting surgeries, despite her family being unsupportive of many of her decisions. Follow Elaina here: Videographer / Director: Marcus Cooper Producer: Kate Moore Editor: Marcus Cooper Click here to follow your favourite Truly shows on Instagram! Truly – Born Different – Shake My Beauty – Hooked On The Look – Beastly – Ridiculous Rides – Dog Dynasty – For more amazing content, click here! Beastly: Barcroft Cars: Health News