Health News Bailee Madison’s Post ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Skincare Routine | Go To Bed With Me | Harper’s BAZAAR admin, October 3, 2022 ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Bailee Madison calls to the viewers of Harper’s BAZAAR for some skincare advice on this episode of ‘Go To Bed With Me.’ Bailee appreciates a slow nighttime skincare routine to reflect and decompress from her day while setting herself up for the next day ahead. Follow along to see the face tools […] Continue Reading
Health News Kim Petras’s Guide to Dry Skin Care and Everyday Glam | Beauty Secrets | Vogue admin, October 3, 2022 Kim Petras walks us through her skin-care and makeup routines while reflecting on the beauty lessons she’s learned from her industry idols. Shop this beauty routine: Farmacy Green Clean Makeup Meltaway Cleansing Balm: Supergoop! Glow Stick SPF 50: Kiehl’s Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizing Cream with Squalane: MDNA Skin The Beauty […] Continue Reading
Python for Informatics Open Textbook Remixed in 11 Day admin, November 25, 2021 “Python for Informatics” Open Textbook Remixed in 11 Day Written by Ana Teresa López Vives Sunday, 07 February 2010 Un profesor de la Escuela de Información de la Universidad de Michigan recientemente publicó un libro titulado Python for Informatics: Exploring Information en 11 días bajo una licencia de… Continue Reading
Wired News admin, November 25, 2021 What’s at Stake in the Surveillance Debate in Congress Over the next few weeks and months, civil libertarians and consumer advocates will wage a battle against the telecommunications companies and the Bush administration to preserve some semblance of privacy rights in Americans’ communications. Congress will be considering several versions of… Continue Reading
File extensions cannot be trademarks admin, November 25, 2021 File extensions cannot be trademarks Written by student Wednesday, 03 February 2010 Autodesk, a company that produces a product called AutoCAD with a file extension “.dwg”, wanted the United States District Court for the North District of California to extend trademark protection to the words “DWG”. The Court decided… Continue Reading
Servicios admin, November 15, 2021 La Clínica de Nuevas Tecnologías, Propiedad Intelectual y Sociedad desarrolla proyectos de impacto público (e.g. educativos y legislativos), ofrece consejería legal a individuos y organizaciones, entre otras cosas. Continue Reading
EU to monitor anti-piracy trial admin, November 13, 2021 UK- The software CView by Virgin Media will be used to identify legal versus illegal traffic on its software. Virgin Media said that it will pose no risk to privacy. However, some say that it is a breach of current UK law and are more than willing to file a… Continue Reading
The Brooklyn Museums Copyright Project admin, November 11, 2021 The Brooklyn Museum’s Copyright Project Written by student Wednesday, 10 February 2010 En el 2004 el Museo de Brooklyn fue el primero en adoptar una licencia de Creative Commons bajo la cual le permite a sus usuarios copiar para usos no comerciales las imágenes sobre las cuales éste ostenta… Continue Reading
Presentación “Creative Commons y Derechos de Autor” admin, November 7, 2021 La Clínica de Nuevas Tecnologías, Propiedad Intelectual y Sociedad, a cargo del proyecto de Creative Commons Puerto Rico, ofrecerá una presentación titulada “Creative Commons y Derechos de Autor” como parte del Tercer Congreso de Revistas Académicas el jueves, 13 de marzo, a las 3:30p.m. en el Anfiteatro #3 de la Facultad… Continue Reading
BBC News admin, November 3, 2021 Estás aquí: Inicio Enlaces BBC News BBC News BBC News | Technology | UK Edition Get the latest BBC Technology News: breaking news and analysis on computing, the web, blogs, games, gadgets, social media, broadband and more. Nineteenth century mathematician Ada Lovelace has retained her crown as technology’s most inspirational woman…. Continue Reading