Drainless Tummy Tuck by Dr.Chavez – Miami Life Plastic Surgery admin, October 11, 2023 Dr.Chavez is best known for her drainless Tummy Tuck technique, which allows for a faster recovery, lowers the risk of infections, is less painful and creates a natural corset type muscle repair. You can schedule your free consultation now at #miamilifeplasticsurgery 🙌🏽 🇺🇸🇪🇸 DM us now for a free consultation 📲 ☎️() – 📧 @. 🏥 Miami Life Plastic Surgery 📍8686 Coral Way, Miami FL www.miamilifeplasticsurgery.com La Dra. Chávez es mejor conocida por su técnica de abdominoplastia sin drenaje, que permite una recuperación más rápida, reduce el riesgo de infecciones, es menos dolorosa y crea una reparación muscular natural tipo corsé. #FollowMeToMiamiLife #miamilifeplasticsurgery #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeryresults#miamilifeplasticsurgery #nodriantummytuck #miamilifemamacita #miamiplasticsurgery #plasticsurgeryexpert #plasticsurgeryclinic #miamibeachflorida #drainlesstummytuck #plasticsurgeryexpert #drchavez #tummytuck Health News